windows 10 phone app
windows 10 phone app


使用手機連結將您的Android 或iPhone 同步至Windows 電腦

如果您使用Windows10但找不到「手機連結」,可能需要更新為更新版本的Windows10,或是直接從MicrosoftStore下載「手機連結」。在您的電腦中,您可以執行兩個步驟來連 ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Phone Link for Windows

Phone Link is the official Microsoft feature that allows you to link your mobile device with your desktop computer to make working with it more comfortable.

Phone Link requirements and setup

Phone Link will be available by default on most PCs running Windows 10 or Windows 11. If it is not installed, you can install it through the Settings on your PC ...

Phone Link with your Galaxy phone and Windows 10 or 11 ...

Answer messages, receive calls, and view alerts on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC when you connect your Galaxy phone with Phone Link!

Setting up Apps in the Phone Link

With the Phone Link, you can instantly access the Android apps installed on your mobile device right on your PC. Using a Wi-Fi connection, Apps allows you ...

Use Phone Link to Sync Your Android or iPhone ...

Sync your smartphone and Windows computer wirelessly using Microsoft Phone Link. Text, call, back up photos and more, no matter if you have an Android or an ...

Your Phone

Your Phone is a free utility software designed to mirror the content on your Android phone to your Windows computer. With the help of this tool, you can easily ...

使用手機連結將您的Android 或iPhone 同步至Windows 電腦

如果您使用Windows 10 但找不到「手機連結」,可能需要更新為更新版本的Windows 10,或是直接從Microsoft Store 下載「手機連結」。 在您的電腦中,您可以執行兩個步驟來連 ...

微軟Your Phone App連接手機與Windows 10用電腦講電話 ...

2020年9月4日 — Win 10電腦連Android/Samsung手機打電話】Microsoft升級電腦跟Android手機連線App Your Phone,可以直接在電腦端操作手機收發訊息、複製檔案等, ...


您喜歡您的手機。也喜歡您的電腦。立即從您的電腦存取手機上您喜歡的所有內容。若要開始使用,請將[連結至Windows] 應用程式安裝在Android 手機上,然後將其與Windows ...


PhoneLinkistheofficialMicrosoftfeaturethatallowsyoutolinkyourmobiledevicewithyourdesktopcomputertomakeworkingwithitmorecomfortable.,PhoneLinkwillbeavailablebydefaultonmostPCsrunningWindows10orWindows11.Ifitisnotinstalled,youcaninstallitthroughtheSettingsonyourPC ...,Answermessages,receivecalls,andviewalertsonyourWindows10orWindows11PCwhenyouconnectyourGalaxyphonewithPhoneLink!,WiththePhoneLink...